noun as in advance, progress
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Example Sentences
It takes a level of commitment to breakthrough authentically.
At the same time, though, under Cook’s stewardship, Apple has largely failed to come up with breakthrough successors to the iPhone.
Lowe’s made big breakthroughs in the second quarter in markets where it has long lagged Home Depot, most notably the professional contract market and city stores.
The finding marks a major breakthrough in a search of almost 20 years, carried out in particle physics labs all over the world.
The key to the breakthrough was a two-fold increase in the ground stations’ ability to collect entangled photons.
After 18 months of secret talks, the president announces a diplomatic breakthrough that ends the last fight of the Cold War.
While many today lament that iPhones and iPads have become almost extra limbs, for Hockney they were a breakthrough for his art.
But the option of replacing a new diplomatic breakthrough with open-ended diplomatic muddle-through is not on the table.
And so, in a lesser-known breakthrough, Edison went on to build the first electrical power station and system.
After all, the 1972 breakthrough with China is a huge moment.
Nevertheless, the two scientists were jubilant at this first breakthrough.
A breakthrough in the use of colour lead to the hey day of romanticism and preparation for neo-impressionism.
Sometimes a major breakthrough is achieved when the leaders are willing to be vulnerable.
The required air current shall be conducted to the breakthrough nearest the face of such entry or room.
No person shall place refuse in, or obstruct any airway or breakthrough used as an airway.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.