verb as in stimulate
Example Sentences
It has been invigorating and fun to be active again, and increased my confidence.
For Cunningham, the jump validated her training, provided confidence in a recent technical tweak and invigorated her belief in how high she could go this summer at the Tokyo Games.
Whitman’s words give voice to our cities and the artists who invigorate them.
Put together, Walmart’s status as an essential retailer has invigorated its relationship with DTC brands.
I felt invigorated by how far we had come and was eager to continue conquering challenges.
He is happy; the thought of the stars of the National Wrestling Association seems to invigorate him.
Squats invigorate your nervous system and help your stress response since the squat is a naturally defensive position.
There are steps the international community can take to invigorate the Palestinian economy.
I invigorate my sour cream by adding fresh chopped dill, which gives it nice color, flavor, and depth.
I ordered myself to be carried to Mrs. Baynton's, in hope that an interval of repose would invigorate and refresh me.
The change of scene and air will be very beneficial to your health, and tend to invigorate both your mind and body.
But several collateral circumstances served to invigorate its spirit.
I see nothing that will invigorate the public councils, and resuscitate the dormant spirit and resources of the nation.
This would invigorate the annimal as he used the pole with great energy, and with my help they would get up.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.