adjective as in unwise, not thought out
Example Sentences
Gone were the ugly memories of errant throws to the wrong bases or ill-advised cutoffs.
A political divorce from de Blasio by Clinton would be ill-advised, but a de facto trial separation might be worth considering.
Like many other banks in the state, it ran into trouble making ill-advised real-estate loans during the credit bubble.
The American left is very good at turning ferociously on politicians who start ill-advised wars.
She adds that sleeping with the fangs in is ill-advised, for the same reason.
Naples never recovered such political equilibrium as she had possessed before that ill-advised advance.
They are all written down in the proper places where they may be consulted by the enthusiastic or ill-advised student.
Ill-advised though they may have been, the Englishmen carried with them a charter granted by the British Government.
But a few minutes more of reflection induced the youth to do something hardly less dangerous or ill-advised.
It was an ill-advised measure, as are all similar acts of destruction, unless justified by urgent necessity.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.