adjective as in ridiculous, senseless
Strongest matches
crazy, foolish, goofy, illogical, irrational, laughable, ludicrous, nonsensical, preposterous, silly, stupid, unreasonable, wacky
Example Sentences
That also means that they will pump out absurd amounts of heat.
The fairest critique of the Bay Area has to do with its absurd housing costs.
The sense of humor might be a little drier and more absurd, but that’s about it.
In the go-go days of 2017 and early 2018, dozens of crypto firms raised absurd amounts of money in “initial coin offerings” that sold digital tokens to all comers via the Internet.
Thankfully the particular project that had so fully absorbed me eventually collapsed under its own absurd weight.
Whatever the reason, and however absurd their beliefs may seem, American evangelicals are deadly serious.
And, as any good public defender would, Wolf says the allegations are absurd.
It is not merely morally absurd to suggest that facts do not matter; as a person of color, it is insulting and degrading.
A lot of folks this week have responded to the absurd question, “What does Valerie Jarrett really do?”
That suggestion turns absurd when you consider the long list of corrupt Democrat politicians Lynch has sent to prison.
Tressan fell suddenly to groaning and wringing his hands a pathetic figure had it been less absurd.
The charges in general are quite reasonable, though I have paid one or two absurd bills.
I believe I murmured something suitable, but it was absurd to pretend to be overjoyed at the news.
Judge: If I hear any more absurd comparisons, I will give you twelve months.
Absurd as that taffeta dress was for a child of her age, it seemed to her an armor against all disaster.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.