noun as in stupid or ridiculous person
Strong matches
Example Sentences
He leaned over to me, whispering, “These Jedi mind tricks only work on weak-minded fools.”
To pretend you knew better when others didn’t, to pretend this was not your fault, to pretend you were a holy messenger and everyone else was a fool was his very good definition of a sin.
As brokers made their bets, some making a fortune, some making fools of themselves, others making their criminal defense cases, Cline and millions of other health care workers just prayed there would be enough supplies tomorrow.
Bumping into a guy most known for “yappin’ fools,” I wasn’t gonna scare anybody looking like a bootleg Slick Rick, and on his newest cut, “Gotham,” Danzini isn’t letting anyone feel safe.
Another one is fear of making a fool of oneself and looking stupid.
What they found was that most people preferred to work with the lovable fool rather than the competent jerk.
You have to risk it, and be in danger of looking like an absolute fool.
This might not fool a knowledgeable whiskey drinker, but how many of those desperate for Pappy are knowledgeable whiskey drinkers?
My exact words were to allow ‘any fool in the world with Internet access’ to freely modify any page on the site.
And also probably because this fool stopped at a red light in the middle of an intersection.
The heat of drunkenness is the stumblingblock of the fool, lessening strength and causing wounds.
Y was a Youth, that did not love school; Z was a Zany, a poor harmless fool.
I am not fool enough to put my precious Naps in jeopardy, just when I am so deucedly in want of them, too.
David thought the farmer a fool, and rode on, admiring the blue sky uncheckered by a single cloud.
The crest-fallen astronomer plodded on his weary way, another example of a fool and his money soon parted.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.