noun as in circuitry
Strongest matches
Strong match
Weak matches
noun as in influence
Strongest matches
noun as in inside track
Strongest match
Example Sentences
Human evolution has left men as deeply wired for emotional connections to children as women are.
But their record shows that travelers to Indonesia need to be very wary of any flight connections they make.
Boledi, who lives in Sweden, laughs heartily when I call him to ask about his connections to Jundullah.
That they got one may owe something to the organization's political connections.
“Masters had connections with survivalists,” Grants Pass Daily Courier (PDF) reporter Edith Decker wrote in 2010.
But she bought a small pulley as well as the ground connections which Mr. Brill had in stock.
Probably he was some kin to old Granny Harris, who had distant connections in the North, some one suggested.
Colonel Salvador, though born in Portugal, has all his property and connections in Brazil; he served with credit in the peninsula.
We were now to seek a new country, and form new ties and connections—a disagreeable matter under any circumstances.
At the same time I heard that long-distance telephone connections with Berlin had been reopened.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.