noun as in system of connections
Strong matches
arrangement, artery, checkerboard, circuitry, complex, convolution, crisscross, fabric, fiber, grill, grillwork, hookup, interconnections, jungle, labyrinth, maze, mesh, netting, nexus, patchwork, plexus, reticulation, reticule, screening, tessellation, tracks, wattle, weave, wiring
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Actress Kate Hudson co-founded the company and co-CEO Adam Goldenberg believes that its network of spokespeople has been key to the company’s growth.
It can then determine when something seems awry and stop an anomalous activity before it reaches the network.
In the meantime, Tiktok users found a way around the ban using NordVPN and other virtual private networks.
They believe that they should actively monitor Instagram accounts, Twitter accounts and social networks to understand who are the people making protests and opposition within the country.
TV networks’ and streaming services’ programming pipelines have been impaired but not imperiled to the point that they are loading up on Zoom-shot shows.
Almost all of the network and cable news channels said that they would not be showing the cartoons either.
These are dark times for network TV, but experiments like Galavant are the silver lining.
Mary Elizabeth Williams of Salon labels the show a “crass stunt” on a “bottom-feeding vortex of sadness network.”
More than 20 million people tuned in to a broadcast network drama and saw two gay men have explicit sex.
And some members of the Lizard Squad are now claiming that they were never trying to poison the network.
In the brilliant moonlight, on the white road, the branches cast a network of black shadow.
They consist of a more or less dense network of hyph and numerous round or oval refractive spores.
Eventually, they located the tiny green plants with the spirally leaves at the center—the loudest point—of each network.
And darned if each meteor didn't strike dead center of each plant network.
And there were ninety-six pomegranates hanging down: and the pomegranates being a hundred in all, were compassed with network.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.