noun as in inside track
Strongest match
noun as in interchange
noun as in intercourse
noun as in interplay
Strongest match
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in old-boy network
Weak matches
Example Sentences
The connections formed through networking give entrepreneurs the best chance at growing and scaling their companies.
As with remote work, the geographical boundaries are not a concern anymore for finding vendors or connecting with peers, which leaves a lot of room for creativity in designing new networking processes.
However, social networking sites—even news websites—will remain out of bounds completely.
Our event will kick off with a short group discussion and then will transition to virtual guided networking between mentors and mentees.
The social networking giant sees big opportunity in becoming India’s digital tether between SMBs and consumers.
It also found that as age increases, self-disclosure on social networking sites decreases.
And she will—naturally—continue to raise all the awareness possible with the help of her preferred social-networking service.
In February, the social networking service launched a local-language Chinese site.
Separatists had previously denounced the nationwide election in speeches and on their social networking site.
One young Facebook user was arrested for sending an “offensive, indecent or menacing message” on the social networking site.
Augmented by worldwide networking, this pragmatics has become global in scope.
Networking must also be supported by communications technologies.
As rudimentary as it still is, networking excludes everything that is not fast- paced and to the point.
Networking, at many levels and in many ways, is related to the characteristics of our pragmatic framework.
On the increasingly rewarding practical experiences of networking, literacy is challenged by transitory, partial literacies.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.