adjective as in alike
Strongest match
Weak matches
- akin
- allied
- analogous
- approximate
- associated
- carbon copy
- cognate
- comparable
- concurrent
- correspondent
- corresponding
- dead ringer
- ditto
- double
- duplicate
- equal
- equivalent
- even
- facsimile
- indistinguishable
- kindred
- look-alike
- matched
- matching
- mated
- parallel
- proportionate
- related
- resembling
- same
- same difference
- spitting image
- uniform
- Xerox
adjective as in analogous
adjective as in corresponding
Strongest matches
Strong matches
adjective as in like
Strongest matches
Strong matches
adjective as in uniform
Strongest match
Example Sentences
It all looked artificial and quite out of place in an otherwise undifferentiated wilderness of marsh.
Even during stage O the ends of the muscle-plates are formed of undifferentiated columnar cells.
In the elementary grades the children are still undifferentiated human beings, and should be kept so.
Everybody makes for himself what he wishes in this undifferentiated Settlement.
Is it undifferentiated life or is it a specialized form of life?
Note the interior undifferentiated mass, and then the thick band of rind surrounding it.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.