adjective as in almost accurate, exact
adjective as in inexact
adjective as in similar
Strong matches
Weak matches
adjective as in near
Strong matches
Weak matches
Example Sentences
In the absence of live interactions, we must do our best as a society to approximate them.
Of the approximate 1,800 fatalities from mid-May to mid-June, 70 percent were people older than 70.
Some brands pack on features that allow users to more closely approximate the cinematic experience, but if you’re in the HD range, you’re already on your way.
I would never have figured out on my own that Braun-Meuser-Case was supposed to approximate “brand-new suitcase.”
Solver Alex Vornsand approximated the size of this region by picking random points in the circle and seeing how many would have resulted in a balanced disk.
Total approximate retail value of all prizes awarded is $ 3899.97.
By 2018, Chinese wealth is expected to approximate the level of US wealth in 1993.
I figure out the approximate outline, the sequence of subject matter for the chapter, numbering the material.
And nobody had reported a missing child of that approximate age.
The red line is the approximate break-even price of the average tar sands producer.
For accuracy, 500 to 1000 leukocytes must be classified; for approximate results, 200 are sufficient.
His skin was of so light a yellow color as to approximate to dirty white, and his face was pock-marked from neck to crown.
They are for the most part straight, and intersect each other at approximate right angles.
It is impossible to arrive at even an approximate estimate of the number of victims of the early persecutions.
The approximate date is probably about the middle of the fifteenth century.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.