adjective as in representative
Example Sentences
The financial terms were largely symbolic as Purdue Pharma’s bankruptcy has put it deeply in debt and its earnings from OxyContin have plunged.
Sadly, Puerto Rico is an island full of symbolic laws, which are usually ignored by law enforcement authorities and have no consequences.
Closing off the Capitol would be an enormous symbolic victory for the insurrectionists.
Wednesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting is symbolic in that the county is essentially opening the floor to new supervisors and the public who have other ideas to reach this target.
Tokyo 2020 will be symbolic to prove that people, all together from across the world, have defeated the virus.
Bridging the divide between the police and those who distrust them will take more than protests and symbolic gestures.
Your death is symbolic of the harsh reality facing so many of us.
Along the way, he accidentally embeds a nail in his foot, which is not symbolic at all.
But the amendment was non-binding -- and thus largely symbolic.
She lost that claim long ago, but her symbolic importance has only grown.
In like manner the mouth, from being a bare symbolic indication, gradually takes on form and likeness.
This element of symbolic indication will be found to run through the whole of childish drawing.
The celebrant sprinkled the victim with wine and salted cake, and made a symbolic gesture with the knife.
Because of its recumbent position, symbolic of General Lee resting on a battlefield cot, this statue is considered most unique.
If she was no longer a symbolic and sympathetic figure—like that young mother among her children—she had her own claims.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.