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Maybe it was on your TikTok feed, accompanied by a jaunty, illustrative dance.

From Eater

The exchange is comically hard to follow, but it’s illustrative of the sputtering, slapdash, and conspiracy theory-driven nature of Trumpworld’s flailing attempts to discredit and overturn the results of the 2020 election.

From Vox

Comments from respondents about their own experiences of bias and discrimination are also illustrative.

We created an illustrative model in which 25% of people socialise half as much as the average, 50% socialise an average amount, and the remaining 25% socialise twice as much as average.

The activity levels and contact rates between age groups that we used in the model were simply illustrative.

These pages contain a record of the cost of our excursions abroad that is as illustrative as any culture can produce.

Her frequent digressions are more tedious than illustrative.

Moreover its illustrative examples and its specific recommendations related entirely to the able-bodied.

I take my own case as most handy, but it is as illustrative of my quarrel with the age.

The book is admirable; as a series of sermons illustrative of the canon of literary good taste it is faultless.

Mr. Childs, of Bungay, had many experiences, equally rustic and still more illustrative of the simplicity of the class.

One of the most illustrative of these accounts is the following very amusing anecdote.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


