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More importantly, it clarifies that virgin voyage into this genre in ways I never thought we’d experience.

That’s where I feel like I’m also there to help clarify what rock ’n’ roll is.

From Vox

Officials also recommended avoiding gatherings involving members of different households, clarifying that a household member is a person who has been living in the home for at least 14 days.

It previously stated that they would become available in the first quarter, but a YouTube spokesperson clarified the timeline after the article published.

From Digiday

The 2016 election proved that the argument against Trumpism had largely failed, but although losing an argument is maddening, it also makes your argument stronger, clarifies your reasoning and orders your logic.

But what they really need is a good, invigorating, clarifying, drawn-out fight.

It is such an irritating movie that it has had the effect of clarifying, once and for all, why Braff himself is bothersome.

People who have struggled with morbid obesity often have a clarifying moment.

UPDATE: Since this story was published, Greta Berlin issued a full statement clarifying her tweet.

The aim of Sex Week—composed of nearly 30 events—was to provide students with “clarifying experiences” on sex.

Now, while I am making the caramel, I will describe to you the clarifying of the soup.

It will have much to do with clarifying the situation insofar as this one organization is concerned.

His compensation consisted in clarifying the natural and spiritual vision of those who sat in darkness and the shadow of death.

In clarifying, after the addition of the egg white the mixture should be in the steamer for full two hours.

Hence arises the necessity of subjecting it immediately to clarifying processes, speedy in their action.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


