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Braid’s central discovery—that concentration can guide the brain toward a more suggestible state—was and remains controversial.

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She had mental health issues, substance abuse problems, and cognitive limitations that lead people to be overly compliant and suggestible.

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He also knows that he must be imagining this, a mere trick of the mind, an influence from the gravitas of the setting and his current suggestible state.

I decided that either I got the vaccine, or I got the placebo and am a highly suggestible human.

OK more provocative than accurate but if you were highly suggestible I'm sure I could sit you down, say relax, and convince you.

It is always suggestible people who are likely to have premonitions.

People who are very suggestible can be led into states of mind which preclude criticism or reflection.

A child who is "suggestible" to a high degree shows it in what we call "motility."

You were so dogmatic and argumentative that Dr. Hoyt is a suggestible schoolboy in comparison.

How deeply suggestible the mass of people can be is only appreciated when one sees the result of public health lectures and books.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


