Example Sentences
In cold weather, the heat produced by this process, along with the wearer’s body heat, is trapped in pockets created by the natural chaos of wool’s kinks and bends.
Made from extremely strong titanium, this trowel has well-designed serrated edges, an ergonomic grip, a U-shaped bend, and a rounded handle so you can dig with ease in any terrain.
He and his colleagues found that, within the lasso loop, the tree snakes form subtle sideways bends.
I also jumped on the season, taking advantage of this winter’s storms to explore cross-country ski areas along part of the Cascade Lakes National Scenic Byway, which snakes into the mountains near my house in Bend.
The 30-minute stretch of road north from Bend to Sisters is rife with snowshoeing, sledding and fishing.
But contemporary classical music has changed, and the field is now spawning many appealing and genre-bending works.
He majored in mathematical physics, studying mind-bending theories of quantum mechanics and partial differential equations.
He looked out and “saw this fellow bending over this girl and she was in a kneeling position.”
If the game sticks to interactivity and can keep the time-bending gameplay fresh, then it will be a success regardless.
In this light, shutting down the Government rather than bending on legislation becomes a moral imperative.
Ollie saw someone standing before it, bending slightly forward in the pose of expectation.
He stood aside, and bending from the waist he made a sweeping gesture towards the door with the hand that held his hat.
Then Edwin was bending over it, with his ear close to her ear, and the sleeve of his overcoat touching her sleeve.
A brilliant blaze of lightning showed him the unmistakable figure of the Black Hood bending over the body of Joseph, the watchman.
This bending of the tuning wires, however, takes place to a much larger extent than most organ builders imagine.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.