
View definitions for run off

run off

verb as in drain

verb as in elope

verb as in jump bail

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It appeared that Baker would again have to face Clark in the forthcoming run-off.

And as for Landrieu, as I said, it seems to look still as if her contest is headed to a run-off.

Georgia and Louisiana, as you probably know, are run-off states.

After being asked, “what happened in Virginia the other day, does that concern you for your chances here in this run-off?”

He gathered 30 percent of the vote in 2009, but declined to participate in a run-off against Karzai.

It must travel a long way before it reaches the ground, and all this delay helps in preventing a rapid run-off or flood.

Even after the rain reaches the ground, only a small part of it goes off as surface run-off.

We had a good run-off before a stiff westerly that gradually hauled to the north, and Tuesday night late saw us in Halifax Harbor.

Bill had found plentiful colors as soon as the first big run-off of water had fallen.

In a humid climate the larger ravines through which the run-off flows soon descend below the ground-water surface.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


