noun as in care, guardianship
Strongest matches
conservation, insurance, preservation, safeguard, safety, security, shelter, stability
Strong matches
aegis, armament, armor, assurance, barrier, buffer, bulwark, camouflage, certainty, charge, cover, custody, defense, fix, guard, invulnerability, reassurance, refuge, safekeeping, salvation, screen, self-defense, shield, strength, surety, tutelage, umbrella, ward
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Available in both hardcover and softcover, both make for sturdy protection of interior notes.
Coastal wetlands are essential for flood protection during big storms, says Siddharth Narayan.
There’s another one, the monitors, how the data protection law is implemented.
It would have included a second round of Paycheck Protection Program loans for small businesses, school funding, and virus-related liability protections for businesses.
The company also said it also has ranking protections in place to ensure that reports that claim early victory will not appear in the search results.
Satirists occupy a perilous position—to skewer dogma and cant, and to antagonize the establishment while needing its protection.
As for the federal authorities, they have made themselves available but the clergy have not requested special protection.
But the fact of the matter is the equal protection they cling to is not the reality.
The protection will last as long as Winston can still fling the ball 50 yards downfield to a streaking wide receiver.
And the budget provides $697,000 to the “Horse Protection Act of 1970.”
Were they to be driven out,—driven out this very day, when the Virgin had only just now seemed to promise her help and protection?
Otherwise the thin-walled houses would have been slight protection for the sleeping travellers.
On the city side, narrow lanes, lofty houses and strongly-built palaces offered secure protection to the besiegers.
His cousin amused, stimulated her beyond anything Tom could offer; she sought protection from him, leant upon him.
There is no protection there for the ships against submarines except Enos harbour and Enos is only one fathom deep.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.