
View definitions for meat


noun as in flesh of animal consumed as food

noun as in core, gist

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Indeed, data suggests many young consumers are already incorporating plant-based meats into their meals.

They didn’t necessarily have milk or meat or a bakery in-house.

Efforts to curb wild meat consumption in response to disease outbreaks can also harm local populations who rely on wild meats for proteins and decrease trust in public health, which happened in the 2015 Ebola outbreak.

In terms of the food supply, the FDA has detected varying levels of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in meat since monitoring began in 1996.

There, as people got more money, some of them may have more cleared land for cattle to raise for meat, Ferraro says.

The smell of grilled meat mixes with the exotic wafts of cinnamon tea served with a mush of sweet brown dessert.

Limbaugh makes comments like this because his right-wing fans require a non–stop diet of race-baiting red meat.

Chickens require significantly less land, water, and energy than all other meat options except farmed salmon.

In March, police arrested a group of wealthy businessmen and government officials who were about to dine on illegal tiger meat.

Those raised for their meat (200 million tons of it a year) can barely walk because their breasts have been so enlarged.

The sailors sometimes use it to fry their meat, for want of butter, and find it agreeable enough.

The camp grew still, except for the rough and ready cook pottering about the fire, boiling buffalo-meat and mixing biscuit-dough.

A few years back it was partly turned into a depot for American meat, but is now simply used for warehouses.

You know the fable about the dog who dropped his meat in the water, trying to snap at its reflection?

While this was being done, Ramona would dry the beef which would be their supply of meat for many months.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


