verb as in badger
Strong matches
Example Sentences
That investigation, which is being led by attorney Beth Wilkinson, was launched in July after The Post reported that 15 former female employees described being sexually harassed by male executives.
More than half of the workers who identified their perpetrator said they were harassed by someone to whom they reported at work, according to the analysis.
“Even the 14-year-old son of one of Smartmatic’s executives received a harassing phone call,” the lawsuit states.
Another worker, the one who felt harassed by Amazon’s anti-union messaging in the bathroom, worries about safety.
Mitt Romney and Lindsey Graham, who are Republicans, have all been harassed at airports in recent days.
Owning a restaurant, the EEOC attorney admonished at the time, “is not a license to sexually harass employees.”
Women are coming together online to shame men who harass and abuse them.
But airstrikes now would only serve to harass, not defeat, ISIS.
We may not be able to stop men from wanting to harass women but Internet technologies can easily be rebuilt.
The poster asked people to harass Zelich by cellphone and email.
Oh, madame, I tell you you do but waste time, and you punish me and harass yourself to little purpose.
Tempest thee noght, do not violently trouble or harass thyself, do not be in a state of agitation.
His low cunning invents numerous occasions to mortify and harass me.
He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers, to harass our people and eat out their substance.
In this as in former wars she sent out her privateers to harass the enemys commerce.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.