verb as in execute; torture near to death
Example Sentences
For over three decades now, the race to crucify the next evolution of reality TV has been as competitive as networks’ race to escalate the shows’ outrageousness.
She also went on a podcast hosted by conservative provocateur Dinesh D’Souza on Wednesday to complain that she is “being crucified” for “reading about things, posting about them and asking questions” on Facebook.
Thy fell undoings crucify afresh Thy Lord—who died alike for these and thee.
"Thou who wouldst crucify me upon Shushan," he said through his teeth.
In the eighteen books which follow, the word crucify appears but twice—in Hebrews (vi, 6) and in Revelation (xi, 8).
He has also power to avoid sin and to constantly crucify his flesh.
I ran away from him; I am a worthless fugitive, a thievish Phrygian slave, whom most masters would crucify.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.