Example Sentences
More disturbingly, it reflects a conspiratorial cast that often afflicts Palestinian renderings of the Jewish past.
The intimate knowledge of death hangs heavily in these stories and afflicts both the righteous and the wicked in equal proportion.
Apparently, this fatal attraction afflicts men as well as women.
While Islamism is hardly mentioned, a full chapter is devoted to the psychological stress that afflicts all Army doctors.
Legal-reform movements can undergo the same boom and bust cycle that afflicts certain sectors of the economy.
Up, still in a constant pain in my back, which much afflicts me with fear of the consequence of it.
It is rather a drawl that afflicts the ear than a nasal twang.
It is the inconsistency of the thing that strikes and afflicts us.
Shall we have so little courage, and shall that uncertainty of serving two masters which afflicts your heart affect mine too?
Forester, I see how this news afflicts you; I judged you too well to think that your own dashed hopes entered into your sorrow.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.