Example Sentences
However, there are also some tricks for getting the best results with a rice cooker, such as rinsing away surface starch for nicely separated grains instead of a congealed glob.
Inside cells, DNA replication glitches and stutters, and proteins clump up into sticky globs.
Giving up for the day, the men stopped for a breather on the way back down the mountain, whereupon Jorgensen happened to notice a glob of dark resin beneath a cliff face.
The advancement and increasing affordability of technologies like DNA analysis and machine learning mean that in the near future, scientists will be able to wring even more information from the globs of plants, poop, and pee.
For a snack, I’ll whip up a bowl of banana mash, a creamy and protein-filled dish in which I use a fork to blend a banana with a spoonful of peanut butter and a glob of honey.
Fell in her tuna-fish salad and was swallowed in a glob of mayonnaise.
Paraglobulin, par-a-glob′ū-lin, n. a globulin found in blood-serum, fibrino-plastin.
The kerchief at his neck was turned knot-back and hung like a glob of crimson blood upon his breast.
Uniglobular, ū-ni-glob′ū-lar, adj. consisting of a single globe or globular part.
A great glob of smoke belched up from under the crumpled engine hood, and was followed by a tongue of hissing orange-red flame.
Jens Glob laid a complaint against the bishop, and summoned him before the temporal and the spiritual court.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.