Example Sentences
One of the Higher Education Act’s architects lamented that the Guaranteed Student Loan Program quickly became a “fund-eating dragon.”
Kathryn set up where the natural light was brightest in her Petworth apartment, put on jeans and “a super cozy alpaca sweater that feels like a hug,” and ordered emperor’s dragon noodles and a gimlet-style cocktail from Tiger Fork in Shaw.
It feels like unfolding an elaborate piece of origami step by step, a sequence of secret creases that show how easily a humming bird or dragon can become an ordinary piece of paper again.
Shai Meiri, a herpetologist at Tel Aviv University, has previously shown that many dragon lizards live in small, hard-to-access areas, making the reptiles difficult to study.
After the encounter, he recovered the famed sword Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi and also won the hand of the woman who he saved from the dragon.
How to Train Your Dragon 2, the tenth highest grossing movie in 2014 America, made $22 million at the Korean box office.
In one picture, his head gets ripped off by a blue dragon; in another, he is the blue dragon.
Screen-filling enemies like the aforementioned dragon come early and they come often.
Look at The Killing, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, all of these Scandinavian things with female investigators.
Consider a song like “Crayon” by G-Dragon, a member of the boy band Big Bang.
They would never connive at this second sowing of the dragon's teeth of Cadmus.
Aristide darted off like a dragon-fly in the sunshine, as happy as a child with a new toy.
Now an automobile was a marvellous dragon for Rosemary, and she could never see too many for her pleasure.
It was a dragon-fly personally conducting two moles through a rose-garden.
The dragon tree is the slowest of growth among vegetables; it seems also to be slowest in decay.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.