noun as in putting regard in as true
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Human intelligence is incredibly useful but it doesn’t safeguard you against having false beliefs, because that’s not what intelligence is for.
Full belief, I want to suggest, needn’t be at the core of dehumanization, and an account of dehumanization needn’t commit on how demanding “belief” is or whether baldly contradictory belief is possible.
It also lacks the kind of intentions, goals, beliefs, and desires that drive language use in humans.
As Streumer concedes, if he believed his own view, he would believe that there are such things as good and bad reasons for belief, which is exactly what his view denies.
Hope derives from a belief that life has good things in store.
One wonders if his subsequent battles with the “Evil Empire” were animated by this belief.
The incident sparked his belief in Santa, but he would have to wait nearly two decades before dressing up as Jolly St. Nick.
The congressman traces his belief in Santa Claus back 40 years, when he was a student going to college “on the GI Bill.”
To cyber security experts, the naivety of this statement beggars belief.
His belief that officers really did find his fingerprints at the scene seems to have encouraged his false confession.
He turned his eyes upon her; but no sympathy was in their beams; no belief in the semblance of her tears.
Belief in his own value had never been thus assailed before; that he was indispensable had been an ultimate assurance.
Although everybody laughed at such a notion, the Worm-eating Warbler declared that he had a right to his own belief.
Tom held to his strange belief to 'Let it all come,' he would not try to prevent; he would neither shirk nor dodge.
Before he faced Lettice, he must forget a moment—forget his fears, his hopes, his ceaseless torment of belief and doubt.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.