noun as in undoubtedness
noun as in stability
Strong matches
- adherence
- aplomb
- assurance
- backbone
- balance
- cohesion
- constancy
- dependability
- determination
- durability
- endurance
- establishment
- fastness
- firmness
- hardness
- immobility
- immovability
- maturity
- permanence
- perseverance
- resoluteness
- security
- solidity
- solidness
- soundness
- stableness
- steadfastness
- steadiness
- strength
- sturdiness
- substantiality
- support
- toughness
Example Sentences
Even her oft-commented style—the coiffed hair, a wardrobe of tailored pantsuits—now shows a settled sureness.
Hundreds of airliners cross the Atlantic every day with the sureness of shuttle bus.
She had reached a stage when she seemed to be no longer feeling her way, working, when in the humor, with sureness and ease.
It is such a delightful mixture of vagueness and cock-sureness, and even more picturesque than Romanism.
Besides, the slowness of the postillion Joshua Abnett, which probably helped to the delay, was warrant of his sureness.
And it will be victory, said Veronica, with a 267 sureness of tone that was vastly comforting to Marjorie.
But here it is, that the extraordinary sureness and precision of the mind of Homer stands us in such admirable stead.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.