noun as in independence
Strong matches
Weak match
Example Sentences
Christianity spawned the monastic movement, originally in Egypt, that insisted upon peace, self-reliance, education and charity.
“I would never do that,” he snaps, launching into a lecture on the virtues of self-reliance.
The pursuit of happiness is a double-edged sword; self-reliance often bleeds into selfishness.
The daddy party cherishes its self-image as the party of toughness, of self-reliance, of up-by-the-bootstraps fortitude.
But the practice of realism defined the founding generation of the state fully as much as the ideal of self-reliance.
Modern times, we are convinced, have witnessed but few instances of such a masterly policy, combined with signal self-reliance.
Indeed, individual cases show a virtual lack of self-reliance.
He attempted aggressive operations with his former energy and self-reliance, but not with his former success.
My aim has been to set good sterling stuff before the world, so that any one, whose self-reliance is great, may receive strength.
She had seen before that look of competence, of easy self-reliance.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.