noun as in confidence
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Because of their reliance on snowfall for their natal dens, wolverines are a very climate-vulnerable species, says Chestnut, and the warming climate is shrinking their viable habitats.
Add the election, the Census, stimulus checks and a new reliance on home deliveries, and mail feels perhaps more important than ever.
We could also see a greater reliance on social signals from Facebook and Twitter.
Scammers are exploiting remote workers’ increased reliance on digital tools, says Evan Reiser, an ex-Twitter product manager who now heads Abnormal.
Severin Borenstein, an energy economist at the University of California, Berkeley, who serves on the governing board of the Independent System Operator, says the state’s growing reliance on renewables “definitely” played a role in the blackouts.
Christianity spawned the monastic movement, originally in Egypt, that insisted upon peace, self-reliance, education and charity.
Petit says that somebody once told him they understood his reliance on his eyesight, his sense of touch, even his sense of smell.
My big gripe with the old TV shows was their reliance on predictable formulas.
Age of Ultron will also address our reliance on technology and the fear of where it could lead.
Even so, writers of suspense fiction vary in their reliance on and dedication to fact.
What reliance could repose upon a house, divided against itself—not safe from the extravagance and pillage of its own members?
As we learn more and more of the laws of Nature we put less and less reliance on the effect of prayer.
Modern times, we are convinced, have witnessed but few instances of such a masterly policy, combined with signal self-reliance.
Indeed, individual cases show a virtual lack of self-reliance.
To this day in Servia the popular forms of swearing express dependence and reliance upon the powers of nature.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.