adjective as in firm
Strongest matches
Strong matches
adjective as in fixed
adjective as in immobile
adjective as in secure
adjective as in stable
Strongest matches
Strong matches
adjective as in stationary
Example Sentences
Search engines favor smooth growth, a structured anchor list and a natural-looking link profile.
Coil of disconcertingly abraded rope donated by a buddy who actually understands knots and anchors—check.
Work on the anchors, experiment with different types of content and always make sure you create unique content.
There are many interesting companies up there, but it’s not reflective of the fact that Amazon and Microsoft are anchor companies.
Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz resigned recently after admitting he’d sexted with a local news anchor who is not his wife.
Unfortunately, popular understandings of the bigot remain anchored in an earlier time.
This mid-election cycle enthusiasm is anchored in recent polling and other factors, Republican strategists and pollsters say.
Articulating a strong pro-growth message that is anchored in the bedrock of a strong education would be a nice place to start.
IDF's Military Advocate General: legality of training is anchored in principles of 'belligerent occupation.'
Ben-Gurion kept his word, and the Orthodox monopoly was anchored in other developments, as well.
The ship has anchored in the province of Ylocos, eighty leguas from here, as the weather does not permit it to come to this port.
Anchored at Imbros when I got a cable asking me what forces I shall need to carry right through to a finish.
At half-past five o'clock we anchored with our companions near the usual place.
It looked so rich and beautiful that the ships anchored once more, and the admiral ordered the sick men to be taken on shore.
And the following afternoon we anchored at about half a mile from the sandy beach of Careening Bay.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.