

View definitions for wavering


adjective as in vacillant

adjective as in uncertain

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But he should not be judged by his wavering as a presidential candidate.

In the recent film Obvious Child, the protagonist schedules her abortion without wavering for a second.

A wavering, but canny Wehrmacht General Dietrich von Choltitz finally surrendered it on August 25.

Yet thanks to recent scandals, that acceptance of the adult industry seems to be wavering.

At that point, many wavering Republicans seemed to rally around their leaders.

At length only four or five flames remained, feebly wavering in their pools of melted wax.

We shall probably take the town, and defeat its wavering army; but up to this moment, we have not been joined by a single peasant.

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; for he is faithful that promised.

A wavering red line licked its way to the canyon-edge on the east side, wiped out the grass, and died on the bald rim-rock.

Should they have to engage in a struggle for these, let their efforts be made without hesitation or wavering.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


