adjective as in changing
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Many of the booths were used to modifying their latkes a little, which I had somewhat expected.
This week, an FDA committee recommended modifying the ban, but essentially still keeping it in place.
Since the new GI Bill took effect in 2009, nearly all legislation aimed at modifying it has failed.
After initially modifying the story, the MailOnline later scrubbed it altogether.
Party leaders in these states are modifying their platform language to make it less divisive.
White first, then a little modifying color, yellow first, then red; perhaps no red: the kind of yellow may do it.
For this adverbial use of all (here modifying the following prepositional phrase), compare Il Pens.
Cromwell, modifying his demands, craved fourteen years, but the old man was inexorable.
The area of heating-surface may also be varied within very wide limits without very greatly modifying efficiency.
Might not Parliament itself entertain a motion for repealing it, or for modifying it?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.