whole enchilada
adjective as in complete
Strongest matches
Strong matches
adjective as in gross
Strongest matches
adjective as in unabbreviated
Weak matches
- all
- entire
- exhaustive
- faultless
- full
- full dress
- gross
- imperforate
- intact
- integral
- integrated
- lock stock and barrel
- organic
- outright
- plenary
- replete
- the works
- thorough
- thoroughgoing
- unabridged
- unbroken
- uncensored
- uncondensed
- uncut
- undiminished
- undivided
- undocked
- unexpurgated
- unimpaired
- unitary
- unreduced
- whole
- whole nine yards
- whole-hog
- whole-length
adjective as in uncensored
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- all
- entire
- faultless
- full
- full dress
- gross
- imperforate
- intact
- integral
- integrated
- lock stock and barrel
- organic
- outright
- plenary
- replete
- the works
- thorough
- thoroughgoing
- unabbreviated
- unabridged
- unbroken
- uncondensed
- undiminished
- undivided
- undocked
- unexpurgated
- unimpaired
- unitary
- unreduced
- whole
- whole hog
- whole nine yards
- whole-length
adjective as in uncut
Strongest match
Weak matches
- all
- entire
- exhaustive
- faultless
- full
- full dress
- gross
- imperforate
- intact
- integral
- integrated
- lock stock and barrel
- organic
- outright
- plenary
- replete
- the works
- thorough
- thoroughgoing
- unabbreviated
- unabridged
- unbroken
- uncondensed
- undiminished
- undivided
- undocked
- unexpurgated
- unimpaired
- unitary
- unreduced
- whole
- whole hog
- whole nine yards
- whole-length
adjective as in unexpurgated
Weak matches
- all
- entire
- exhaustive
- faultless
- full
- full dress
- gross
- imperforate
- intact
- integral
- integrated
- lock stock and barrel
- organic
- outright
- plenary
- replete
- the works
- thorough
- thoroughgoing
- unabbreviated
- unabridged
- unbroken
- uncensored
- uncondensed
- uncut
- undiminished
- undivided
- undocked
- unimpaired
- unitary
- unreduced
- whole
- whole hog
- whole nine yards
- whole-length
noun as in aggregate
noun as in all
noun as in entirety
Strong matches
noun as in everything
noun as in whole
Strongest match
Strong matches
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.