
View definitions for universality


noun as in generality

noun as in ubiquity

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Political philosophers even reconstructed their thinking about the universality of liberty to praise the American Revolution while condemning the Haitian one.

In a country struggling to agree about its core principles, universality isn’t as attractive as it used to be.

Yang, now running for mayor of New York City, has also shifted away from his focus on universality.

There’s a kind of universality to being a woman in the search industry.

It was a wonderful coincidence to learn about DakhaBrakha while I was immersed in the scientific debate about the universality of music.

Rather, the universality of Barcelona lies in the common experience shared by all Americans who spend time abroad.

Alchemical songs that achieve pop universality through personal specificity.

The creative team behind Looking, though, is certainly aware that the expectation for universality exists.

By delving into her own experience, Carucci was able to examine more deeply the universality of motherhood.

With Kamala Khan, Marvel is smashing the tired stereotype by showing the universality of issues that plague teenagers.

It is this universality of the exercise that makes dancing a subject of importance.

That the effect may be frustrated, is, therefore, no objection to the universality of laws of causation.

If this be not the case, Intelligence must have begotten all the differences, or rather, be their universality.

Intelligence is therefore universal, because this universality forms its very nature.

Thus Essence reveals within itself all the Forms and universality.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


