Example Sentences
Environments designed by the Miami-based start-up’s team of coders and trained architects include a gold-toned plenary hall, an outdoor amphitheater, and a suite of lobbies to foster chance encounters among participants.
He had chosen his plenary to break the news to the unsuspecting audience, me included.
“More than 300 member organizations worldwide participated in the voting process, workshops, plenary sessions, regional and board meetings during the 8-day virtual event,” the statement notes.
The opening plenary brought a diverse group of leaders together to discuss the theme “Mobilizing for Impact.”
The hottest debate in Davos on Thursday will come from a series of plenary sessions on Europe.
A plenary session features a keynote address on “unleashing creativity” from the founder of a promotions site called ePrize.
Your arm was stout enough in old days, and I give you plenary authority to use it as you see fit.
He also conceded a plenary indulgence to all who have made such visits three times in three distinct days.
I, on my part, will listen to your lover's confessions and give you plenary absolution—even for listening at keyholes.
It was called Great Friday, and on that day such as entered the sanctuary of Anis received plenary indulgence.
One would suppose that she had plenary indulgences for her conduct.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.