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whip up

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“Rather whip up a soufflé”—a wonderful compliment or a withering dis?

Or you can buy your own gluten-free cereal grains and whip up a semi-homemade cereal.

They can also be utilized opportunistically to whip up anger against political enemies.

Now, Beijing is exploiting the last survivors to whip up anti-Japan sentiment.

The vote comes as unions and others are trying to whip up support for a big national minimum wage hike.

But when the food was before him, he addressed himself to it, tacitly rejecting all her attempts to whip up conversation.

The deepest will of his pathetic poem is to whip up, to set running, to snatch his hearer along with him.

Dane pressed the release and watched the lines whip up and the hatch above snap shut.

So effectually did he whip up this horse, that in considerably less time than half-an-hour, Mr. Dumps was nearing Jim's dwelling.

He might be a conscientious man, you see, and not like to stop, or he might stop and afterwards whip up to make up lost time.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


