adjective as in able to be seen with eyes
Example Sentences
The weekly slide shows published to Instagram will teach you the skills of a visual investigator.
This will ensure no one misses any visual signals about what’s happening, allowing them to prepare for new material.
Google and Bing both use for visual search, Google has their Google Lens and Bing has their visual search.
Directed by Benoit Lalande, Nomad Africa is a visual experiment featuring surfer Alex Smith and the powerful waves and wilds of this ancient continent.
For example, a system for diagnosing medical scans might first learn to identify basic visual features, such as shape and outline, by being pretrained on a database of everyday objects—such as ImageNet, which contains more than 14 million photos.
Bottom line is that it will only be a BVR [beyond visual range] airplane.
Most of them were large birds—hawks, egrets, and even peacocks—for spectacular visual effect as they took flight.
Instead, the writers had to rely on visual cues and ambiance.
And since visual media is more compelling than any other medium, it is consistently their drug of choice.
In movies, that language, visual and verbal, has yet to be mastered.
He devoured it whole with a kind of visual gulp—a flash; the entire meaning first, then lines, then separate words.
This hour gives to the imaginative in every land a thrill, a yearning, and a pang of visual regeneration.
For this reason the photographic images are less sensitive to conditions affecting the seeing than the visual images.
For visual observation the Crossley telescope is provided with seven eyepieces, with powers ranging from 620 downward.
However the scout did not move toward it until after a long moment of both visual and mental inspection of his surroundings.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.