


Definition for relief
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When they finally meet up in the elevator, they look like they can’t believe it themselves, and you feel almost stupid with relief.

Vance saw a pre-screening of the film and expressed relief that people wouldn’t see those scenes.

If you’re an athlete, you can use them for additional relief on sore muscles.

As arguments about the size and scope of covid relief demonstrate, political debate alone does not pose an existential threat to the Republic.

From Time

Both executives expressed relief that the merger with Outbrain fell through last year.

From Digiday

In January, an appeal hearing will determine whether he qualifies for post-conviction relief.

And, every election, we have our quasi-comic-relief candidates, your Al Haigs and Gary Bauers and Bill Richardsons.

Take responsibility for an endless stream of people, even as our own suffer, and struggle to get policy relief from Washington.

Adnan has an appeal hearing for post-conviction relief set for January.

Rob Marshall lets a sigh of relief erupt so loud it could be heard by giants in the sky.

It was with a feeling of relief on both sides that the arrival of Mr. Haggard, of the Home Office, was announced.

Several suggestions for the relief of the country bank have come to their notice.

But she kept the same tone, and its tender archness only gave a greater sweetness to his sense of relief.

And now everybody turned out with a feeling of intense relief to witness the rejoicings on the village green.

So with its completion, he wrapped it carefully, and sent it to a Chicago publisher, while he sighed with relief.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


