


Definition for advice
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Efforts like these don’t just offer vital advice to future workers—they send a message to my students that they have a chance to fill a role where they have an equal footing from day one.

From Fortune

When New Jersey lawmakers sought advice about police accountability, one of the power players they turned to was Sean Lavin, a police union leader.

Our presenters also share practical and actionable advice on how to overcome productivity, efficiency, and distraction obstacles—including children.

From Quartz

One reason is that the industry is evolving, with the value of financial advice changing.

From Fortune

Many of the founders I have spoken to said one of their biggest early challenges was figuring out how to sift through all the advice they receive.

Who do you turn to now when you have a decision to make, when you have one less person to provide validation or advice?

The problem, though, is that this advice presumes that death threats are rare and abnormal.

The Stormfront crowd offers its own helpful political advice, not only for Scalise but also for the entire GOP.

The future Mr. Vergara—and star of ‘True Blood’ and ‘Magic Mike’ shares some life advice in an exclusive video.

As a well-known advocate for Baluch rights in Iran, young Iranians reach out to him for advice.

With childlike confidence he follows the advice of some more or less honest dealer.

Messa urges the king to send a new governor, and gives his advice as to the character of him who should be sent.

Hence Napoleon was driven more and more to trust to the advice of the rash, unstable King of Naples.

Yielding to the advice of his friends, he put on it a price the amount of which abashed him.

Terrified with this apparition, he consulted several friends, who advised him to take the advice.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


