noun as in cooperation
Strong matches
Weak matches
Example Sentences
The offering is that “you’re going to be working with Justin and Robin,” he says, as a direct collaboration to help your company succeed.
Democrats have watched the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and concluded that more cooperation and collaboration with other nations is needed to solve global issues, a view shared by 80 percent of those who identify themselves as Democrats.
It took an international collaboration between Martienssen’s group at Cold Spring Harbor Lab and their colleagues at the Malaysian Palm Oil Board nearly 20 years to unravel the mystery of the mantled fruit.
That’s one of the questions Sarah Paulson and Ryan Murphy are tackling in their latest collaboration, “Ratched.”
Drag Out the Vote, a nonpartisan nonprofit organization, works in collaboration with hundreds of drag performers in every state to “drag” their communities to the polls this fall.
Each individual race involves an unusual collaboration between researchers, manufacturers, and public-health entities.
Sales keep rising though a recent collaboration with Dallas designer Stanley Korshak ended in tears.
He is currently working with Vans for an upcoming collaboration.
As mentioned, Yahoo has a black stain on its collaboration and severe breach of privacy.
Piece Co. will then seamlessly source the artisans and be your liaison for collaboration.
It is well known that Prud'hon and his pupil painted many pictures in collaboration.
Madame Nourrisson found them all three as serious as authors whose collaboration does not meet with the success it deserves.
Writing in collaboration with his friend Steele he gave his paper a world-wide popularity.
This is the whole story of the book's origin; so far, at least, as the collaboration is concerned.
In her pleasant Memoirs, written in collaboration with her husband, she has quite forgotten to give us the date of her birth.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.