noun as in imitation, replica
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in example, standard
noun as in type, version
verb as in form, shape
Example Sentences
In Israel, however, a new law took effect January 1st that banned the use of underweight models.
In front of this strange structure are two blank-faced, well-dressed models showing off the latest in European minimalism.
Models in Israel will have to maintain a BMI of 18.5 or higher if they want to stay employed.
It also required that ads print a disclaimer if they digitally altered the models.
Much of the media coverage around eating disorders surrounds celebrities and models.
She is skilful in seizing salient characteristics, and her chief aim is to preserve the individuality of her sitters and models.
Few of us ever made a proper use of models, and nearly all of us have miserably trained hands.
I fear she was often shocked at our easy Saxon ways, though Tom and I thought ourselves models of thrift.
The pupil should look upon my formulas as models merely, and make his own whenever possible.
A year or two before this Trevithick had made models of high-pressure steam-engines.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.