adjective as in innumerable
adjective as in not counted
Strongest match
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Hobbs said that observers also saw inconsistent treatment of ballots once they were unpacked from boxes, raising the possibility that counted and uncounted ballots could become intermingled.
A Cuomo administration spokesman declined to respond to questions about the hundreds of still uncounted nursing home residents.
“What appears to be a dramatic success for vaccination holds the promise of saving uncounted lives and giving us a pathway out of what has been a global disaster,” wrote Eric Rubin, editor-in-chief of the journal, and Dan Longo, the deputy editor.
Most, though not all, of those deaths are likely uncounted Covid-19 fatalities.
Voters of color and young voters, who also tend to have less experience voting by mail, are more likely to have their votes go uncounted.
This other by what seems a congenial activity, fascinating as a game of chess, acquires uncounted millions.
There remain still the uncounted thousands who by accident or illness, age or infirmity, are unable to maintain themselves.
The "standing room" problem is still removed from us by such uncounted generations that we need give no thought to it.
The decree of accusation was proposed, and carried, without debate, beneath the poniards of uncounted thousands of assassins.
So, when he set out from the hotel, he did not go home, but walked instead for uncounted hours in the park.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.