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adjective as in declining

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Pitting our cities against one another, he bartered away America’s leadership role on the world stage in an attempt to prop up a fading fossil-fuel industry at home.

From Time

Then there are Avilán, McFarland, Rodriguez, Swihart, Pérez, Tocci and Tomás, who each arrived from elsewhere to grip a fading chance.

Here, the fading yellow ticket was a golden ticket—one that would get me one of the coveted vaccine doses.

Jalane Schmidt, an associate professor at the University of Virginia, said the Virginia Flaggers represent a fading ideology, even if they follow through with pledges to add flags elsewhere.

Fears about the virus’s toll on the economy — and fading hopes that Washington will be able to deliver more relief anytime soon — had stocks plummeting in afternoon trading on Wall Street.

From Fortune

Empire will be hate-watched and may set off some conversations on its way from fading from our minds.

The garrulous assistant to a fading screen siren in Clouds of Sils Maria.

Shaving your head is passe and even tattoos are fading as a personalized cultural statement.

Now, six years into his presidency and with his popularity fading, it seems Obama is having trouble finding a place to call home.

Memories are fading about their dire predictions for mothers on welfare after the reforms of 1996, which were way off.

She believed they would return when she was in her own land once more, and Europe a book of fading memories.

When we reached high ground again the twilight was fading to a semicircle of bloodshot gray in the northwest.

Madame stood hand on hip, the flush fading slowly, her glance resuming its habitual lazy insolence.

We visited it in the fading twilight, and a lonelier, more ghostly place it would be hard to imagine.

Helen flung herself down on the blankets and watched the fading lights of evening as they were reflected on the canvas.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


