

View definitions for melting


adjective as in softening

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Alastair Sim had jowls like melting candle wax, a snarl like a cornered cat and eyes cold with contempt.

Idris Elba has, in the eyes of many, reached the melting point.

It's often said that America is a melting pot of cultures and ethnicities.

The Levant is already a far cry from the cosmopolitan melting pot it once was.

The glaciers are melting because snowfall is decreasing and temperatures are rising—bad news for wolverines.

All the lower sky was pink, melting imperceptibly into the still pale blue of day.

With a prickly heat suffusing my whole body and a melting sensation at the collar I struggled through the wretched lyric once.

This motion is favoured by the gradual though incomplete melting of the flakes as the heat penetrates the mass.

In a glacial district this snow mass above the melting line is called the névé.

There was still the same yearning gaze, the same melting tenderness, but there was something more.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


