

View definitions for fermenting


adjective as in effervescent

adjective as in frothy

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The stench of the backed-up toilets combines with the fumes of garbage fermenting in the midday sun.

Rather than panic, he decided to sell this sweet, partially fermenting pink brew, and a new category was born.

He creates field blends by growing several grape varieties in one vineyard then harvesting and fermenting them together.

The carbonic acid used is (p. 142) a by-product, hitherto wasted, from the fermenting tuns of breweries.

It was his idea that tuberculosis of the lungs is caused by spores of fermenting starch clogging the minute blood vessels.

We do not quite understand the brew of study fermenting an accumulation of knowledge, and imagination exalting it.

Two days more in this dead and fermenting city and my slavery would be at an end.

They go to bed, quite jaded, without suspecting how many plots are fermenting against them.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


