die down
verb as in clear up
Strongest match
verb as in decrease
Strongest matches
Strong matches
verb as in dwindle
verb as in ebb
verb as in lessen
Strongest matches
Strong matches
verb as in let up
verb as in lull
Strongest match
Strong matches
verb as in moderate
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
verb as in peter out
Example Sentences
The best way to fix the Internet would be to let the Kardashian butt hysteria die down.
“I expected it to die down,” Dick said of the reaction to The Invisible War.
Conversely, former Wall Street whipping boy Goldman Sachs has seen the heat die down.
The issue would flare up, then die down, then flare up again.
Between rumors of a tryst with NBA player Glen Rice and allegations of cocaine use, we doubt this one will die down anytime soon.
Yet it was not so, since the pain would die down, while the wound would leave no scar.
This wind would not die down; they were sure to make a quick run, and would be in before dark.
For perhaps five minutes nothing could be noticed; then, almost imperceptibly, the smoke began to die down.
It will for a time grow larger and larger, and then the plant will wither and die down to the place from which the head springs.
After flowering the plants will die down and the tubers, after drying off, may be placed in a dry, warm place until spring.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.