
View definitions for cured


adjective as in saved

adjective as in smoked

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adjective as in whole

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Craig Spencer, the New York doctor who contracted Ebola in Guinea, was declared “cured” of the virus last week.

If I had an idea that mankind could be cured, I should not believe in God.

“The chance of being cured of obesity is zero,” Dr. Sharma told The Daily Beast.

People will testify they were cured of dread diseases when they prayed to Romero.

His headache cured, the man went home and two months later, he was given a clean bill of health.

They cultivated a few plants around their wigwams, and cured a few pounds for their own use.

An instrument can be frequently cured of a bad description of tone by the slightest move of the post.

Neatly packed piles of the dried and cured leaf lay upon the table before them.

On these were fixed several pieces of meat, some of which were being roasted by the fire and some cured by the smoke.

It cured finely, burnt white and free, and in a short time brought high prices.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


