adjective as in better
adjective as in coming
Strongest matches
Strong matches
adjective as in continuing
Weak matches
adjective as in en route
adjective as in forward
Strong matches
adjective as in long-lived
adjective as in moving
adjective as in ongoing
adjective as in perdurable
adjective as in thriving
adverb as in ahead
Example Sentences
Justice Ginsburg underwent this procedure successfully and is progressing with her recovery.
The other stuff is all progressing: we started the script on Dark Universe, doing a new draft on Haunted Mansion.
In 2012, Intel began producing microprocessors with conflict-free tantalum, a sign that conflict-free efforts were progressing.
So now we're apparently back to saying, contra the Obama administration, that Iran's program is still progressing.
But there is also an undeniably insidious component to Akka's progressing recomposition: Israeli institutions favor Jews.
Usually he looked in a little after midnight to see that the evening edition of the paper was progressing all right.
Parts of important public buildings have been disclosed by the excavations, which are still progressing.
Dorcas, the way the child is progressing, I shall be out of my job before longshell have the whole post in her hands.
The firing on our left was now very heavy and Colonel Field directed me to learn how the fight there was progressing.
Captain Foster soon returned, having satisfied himself that work with the escort wagons was progressing rapidly.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.