adjective as in aided
Strong matches
abetted, accompanied, advised, assisted, backed, befriended, bolstered, encouraged, maintained, nursed, relieved, subsidized, supported, sustained
Weak match
Example Sentences
People living in some of the most affected countries often do not have governments that can meet these criteria, making it difficult for them to be eligible to get international help.
Portland has needed defensive help in the frontcourt and on the wings since parting with Al-Farouq Aminu and Moe Harkless in 2019.
As Washington scrapes the bottom of its roster to find help, it may have to turn to the top of the depth chart.
He decided to turn to the community for help — a role reversal, after helping others for years.
Cleveland had the worst record in the East last year, and it needs help at virtually every position.
If anything the work the two cops and the maintenance guy were doing deserves more respect and probably helped a lot more people.
Being something of a political cipher may have helped Revels rise to prominence.
Investigators will focus on whether the sudden emergency was so extreme that no degree of pilot skill would have helped.
But Scott, in taking the parlance of the street to the SportsCenter desk, helped affirm its ascendance.
Another set of hackers that goes by the name the Lizard Squad told the Washington Post that they helped with the Sony hack.
He was aware that his act by this time, had helped nobody, had made no one happy or satisfied—not even himself.
His strong legs and his broad, spade-like feet helped to make him a fine swimmer.
You might do for the United States what your English great-grandfather helped to do for this country in 1832.
But in one respect the currency notes helped to maintain the country's gold standard.
To save his life, Hugh could not have helped laughing, though it was evidently a matter of serious importance.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.