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fully developed

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A lot of actors are good, but Phil was a fully developed artist.

Its distinctiveness arises from a key region, the frontal cortex, not being fully developed.

The answer, hinted at but not fully developed in the piece, depends on how you measure outcomes.

Was it the kind of day that only a campaign with a fully developed plan and the capacity to execute it could have pulled off?

The value of the tobacco lands of this last mentioned country has not been fully developed.

It shows that a paragraph which is fully developed is in reality a miniature theme.

The language of such an agency appears to be fully developed among the northern tribes.

I thought it was better to wait till we reached the island, by which time their plans were likely to be more fully developed.

The skulls show that in the Late Stone Age the human brain was fully developed and that the racial types were fixed.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


