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I realized in that moment shoes as gifts are uncommon because they’re so hard to get correct because of size, and no one likes returning and exchanging gifts.

The opportunity to talk colugo with local residents and correct misconceptions is one of the reasons Miard likes to study colugos in villages.

However, you are correct about not answering unidentified numbers.

That’s precisely why it’s the government’s job to step in and correct these market failures.

A new theory of gravity was underway, he said, and as soon as he could prove it correct, “your inspired investigations into the foundations of mechanics … will receive a splendid confirmation.”

The misidentification has since been corrected, and The Daily Beast regrets the error.

Editor's Note: This story has been corrected, two quotes that appeared due to an editor's error have been removed.

The article have been corrected to reflect that Rosenmarkle deployed with the Army to Iraq but did not serve in Afghanistan.

Her ads contain several inaccurate assertions of fact (not opinion) that should be corrected.

It has since been corrected in the body of the article to reflect this.

I knew he was pleased, because whenever he corrected me he would say, "Nein, Kindchen" in such a gentle way!

Whenever the contrary is heard from anyone, he is corrected, admonished, and punished—by myself if he is a secular.

Obvious printing errors have been corrected, while minor irregularities in the spelling have been retained.

This was a great hardship to banks, and has been corrected in many states by statutes and by the courts in others.

Mere clerical errors or mistakes in describing it may be corrected even after it has been destroyed.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


