adjective as in clandestine, underhanded
Example Sentences
Set atop the dried-up bed of Groom Lake in the Nevada desert, the now-infamous spot made for good runways, and was remote enough to keep prying eyes off covert Cold War projects.
Military dogs and their handlers play vital roles, particularly in covert operations.
While Project Veritas had previously disseminated covert recordings of CNN’s daily meeting, in this video O’Keefe himself could be seen dialing in to a private CNN call — apparently without the knowledge or consent of participants.
When Bill Sampson pleads with Margo to contain her “paranoic outbursts” and “paranoic tantrums,” he’s channeling the sense that the American psyche is at risk of being torn apart by anxiety over covert invasion.
The GRU, he says, is also constantly creating “digital” equivalents of traditionally “analog” dirty tricks, making covert operations that used to involve agents or officials tougher to track.
The Kulahu strike was part of a widening covert war being waged by Iran inside Pakistan.
The remote controlled flying craft has gone from covert military ops to a communal backyard hobby.
He and his followers have become really good at keeping their communications covert.
PARIS, France—What could be more cynical than a covert operation?
Syrian rebels have overtaken a joint Russian-Syrian secret facility that they claim was a covert intelligence collection base.
She saw a covert smile on his wrinkled face, while his wife pushed her former inquiry.
To-day they wore light covert coats over their canvas and rubber.
A thick wood skirted the meadow-land in another direction; but they could not have gained that covert for the same reason.
Fetherston raised his eyes and shot a covert glance at her—a glance of distinct suspicion.
Their deeper recesses were given up to owls and bats, and nearer the entrance the prowling fox or jackal found a covert.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.